Merchant of Venice 2023 >



Markeaton Park


19 - 22 July 2023


Matt Swan

It's midsummer and in the forest, magic is stirring.

Hermia has had it with her Mum Egeus hating on her new boyfriend Lysander. As any reasonable teenagers would, they elope and are followed into the forest by Demetrius who’s into Hermia and Helena who fancies Demetrius.

Meanwhile, in the forest, Scouts rehearse a play to perform at the wedding of Theseus and Hippolyta, the headteacher and deputy of Athens School. Well, they would do if Patrol Leader Nick Bottom would keep his mouth shut and let them all get on with it.

This unique staging of a magical comedy classic was performed in the round at Markeaton Park Craft Village.


Director - Matt Swan
Assistant Director - Alan Smith
P.A. to the Director - Charlotte Matthews
Puppets & Bottom’s Ass-head - Emma Duder
Wardrobe - Charlotte Matthews with assistance from Karen Owen
Costume Designer - Emma Duder
Properties - Jamie Matthews
Hair & Makeup - Susie Thorne & Kirsty Whaler
Stage Manager - Ken Owen
Lighting & Sound operation - Neil Jones
Lighting Design - Simon Burchall
Sound & Music Design - Matt Swan
Graphic Design & Publicity - Emma Duder
Production Photography - Adam McLoughlin
Business Manager - Charlotte Matthews
Runner - William Matthews
Front of House - Members of the Company


Hermia - Emma Merrey
Lysander - Jack Anthony
Helena - Zoe Grunnell
Demetrius - Benjamin Lawley
Theseus - Richard Whitehorn
Hippolyta - Samantha Drake
Egeus - Jenny Earl
Philostrate - Martin Weston
Bottom - Rick Law
Quince/Peaseblossom - Mo Pickering-Symes
Flute/Mustardseed - Harry Hodder
Snout/Moth - Phillip Hodgkiss
Snug/Cobweb - Alex Wrampling
Starveling/Changeling - Edward Pickering-Symes
Oberon - James Dean
Titania - Laura Horvath
Puck - Jake Soar